Soil Moisture Retention
Moisture retention is a great reason to mulch. This type of mulching is not usually a reason for beginner or novice gardeners. In drier or hotter climates, this can help your plants not to wilt and help them survive moderate to severe drought.
How: By blocking heat and airflow, mulch reduces the amount of water that evaporates from the soil surface, and keeps that water available near the plant’s roots for maximum uptake.
General Tips:
- If your soil doesn’t hold much moisture, you can always mix in some compost to increase your soils’ water holding capacity.
- Landscape Mulch (Mulch and Compost Mixed) or Arborist Mulch are good examples of moisture-retaining mulch to lock in soil moisture and be available for uptake by plants.
- By blocking heat and airflow, mulch reduces the amount of water that evaporates from the soil surface.